SCCI - Supercomputing Consortium of India - Enabling Collaboraion and CoCreation - Operational Model

Operational Model

SCI would work on pilot projects utilizing the technologies made available by the consortium members on a not-for-profit model, co-creating solutions along with user organizations.

SCI will award research grants and work closely with universities to quickly develop technology demonstration projects for end users. In addition SCI may maintain an in-house team of supercomputing application engineers.

User organizations will be free to evaluate these solutions and if satisfied license / buy necessary technologies and components from consortium members.

All activities will be performed as collaboration projects (CPs). Each CP may have one or more SCI members as team members and one chair. CP s will be located in a specific location that is most convenient for contributing members and user members. University and Observer members will not have voting rights (or) gain any IP rights from the activities of the CP.

Business Model

SCI will be a not for profit organization. SCI will derive revenues from annual membership dues and research grants from members and others.

Intellectual Property

Contributing members retain all IP to their technology components. New IP developed if any by SCI will be licensed free of cost to all CP members on record during the term of funding for IP creation and any sponsors if applicable.